
Facebook Vs Google

Facebook Vs Google

Have you noticed that stories about Facebook are everywhere on the news? Dwell are getting further and further involved in social networking. Presently, Facebook isn't bigger than Google, but it could be in the future. Facebook is now the second largest web site on the internet, according to Alexa tracks web sites based on the average amount of every day visitors in combination with the average every day page views.

Some dwell believe that Facebook is on track to overtake Google in popularity. This is because the amount of users visiting the site has continued to grow steadily within the past few months.

When you consult Alexa you will see a continual increase in the every day audience for Facebook, while Google's every day visitation tends to fluctuate between 40 to 44% of internet users.

Facebook by contrast, has remained fairly constant in its share of internet users. This leads one to believe that there will eventually be further internet users on Facebook each day compared to Google.

If you're wondering which site is larger in length of time spent on the site, it's Facebook. Facebook users spend an average of 31 to 33 minutes each day on the site. Studies have shown that dwell who use Google spend about 10-14 minutes each day on the site.

This is not that unexpected considering the purpose of each of these web sites. Dwell don't usually spend much time on a search engine, they just use it to find what they need and go.

Social media sites like Facebook are different. They have special features that are interactive. Dwell can talk to their friends, post blogs and pictures and connect with new dwell. Some dwell just stop by to check their messages, while others spend hours on Facebook each day.

For now though, Google remains the amount one site on the internet but that may change. Facebook is getting bigger every day and eventually may see amount one.

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